The Air in There



Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy (HBOT) has long been used to aid in the recovery of serious medical conditions. Originally developed to treat decompression sickness in divers, HBOT has since gained recognition for its wide-ranging medical and overall health benefits. From accelerating wound healing to enhancing cognitive function, this therapy has become a powerful tool in modern medicine and as a popular wellness treatment.

In a hyperbaric oxygen chamber, atmospheric pressure is increased two to three times normal levels, allowing the body to absorb significantly higher amounts of oxygen. HBOT is often prescribed after surgery because the increased pressure pumps more oxygen into the bloodstream, and this heightened oxygenation promotes cellular repair, reduces inflammation, and stimulates the production of stem cells, which play a crucial role in tissue regeneration. The increased oxygen supply also enhances circulation and helps combat infection by boosting the immune system.

The increased oxygenation that accelerates the natural healing process has numerous overall health benefits as well, and there are Hyperbaric Oxygen Chambers at wellness and medical centers all over the country. These benefits can include increased energy, improved cognitive clarity, better sleep, and over wellbeing. The anti-inflammatory effects of HBOT have been shown to help improve athletic performance and reduce recovery time. The extra oxygen in the bloodstream can also improve aerobic capacity and endurance.
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Why Fake Sugar is Fat Sugar



A few months ago, we featured a nutritional reset program created by Robin Barrie Kaiden. More than a quick fix, it was about establishing lifelong healthy habits to lose weight and keep it off. Taking part in the program myself, Kaiden pointed out the number of seemingly healthy shakes, protein bars, and powdered latte mixes I was consuming daily, made with monk fruit sweetener. She said they were sabotaging my fat burning efforts.

As the editor of STYLE of SPORT, I’m quite knowledgeable about nutrition, or so I thought. How could this zero calorie, natural sweetener made from plants possibly be making me fat? I didn’t want to believe her until I finally got rid of all the monk fruit sweetened products in the kitchen and saw my lean body start to return.

The percentage of the population who are obese and the incidence of diabetes has increased over the past few years, primarily due to eating habits and physical inactivity. The irony is this has also coincided with an increase in the use of artificial sweeteners. The belief has been it is better to use these non-caloric alternatives than sugar, especially the new “natural” sweeteners like stevia and monk fruit, for weight loss. Read More


Soul Survivor



Trammell Logan is a SoulCycle instructor. He’s one of the most popular SoulCycle instructors. He’s one of my favorite SoulCycle instructors. Young, fit, and healthy, Trammell almost died in the back seat of an Uber 6 years ago. He suffered a pulmonary embolism that should have killed him. Rushed to the hospital and taken into surgery, they discovered massive blood clots in his lungs and heart. When he woke up the next morning, the doctors said it was a miracle he survived. Trammell’s life was in fact saved that day thanks to one of his dedicated riders.

A few weeks ago on a Saturday morning I went to ride Trammell’s class. He was celebrating his 10th anniversary as a SoulCycle instructor. But it was a celebration of his life as well. Sitting in the front row was Dr. Roopa Kohli-Seth, MD, Director of the Institute For Critical Care Medicine at Mount Sinai. He acknowledged and thanked her for putting together the team that saved his life that day. Trammell joked that he didn’t really know her that well at the time, other than the fact she took his class regularly, and was always asking him to turn on the fans.

Roopa saved his life not just once but twice. Trammell suffered a stroke 2 years later.

I knew bits and pieces of all these events, but on that 10th anniversary I asked if he’d share the full story from start to finish, and how these life-altering, death-defying experiences have changed him as a man and as an instructor. Read More


The Karma of Dharma



Sri Dharma Mittra is 84 years young. He has been teaching yoga for over a half-century at his school in New York and around the world, sharing the pathway to radiant health and spiritual enlightenment from the wisdom accumulated from years of practice. He opened his first yoga studio in 1975, long before yoga was as ubiquitous as it is today.

Dharma Yoga is described as a modern interpretation of classical Eight-limbed Yoga. According to Yoga Sutras of Patañjali, the ancient doctrine of yoga philosophy, there is an eight step progression to an infinite state of bliss. The word Ashtanga, as in yoga, is derived from “ashta”, which means “eight”, and “anga” which means “limb”. Each limb prepares you for the next, and the “asanas” or physical poses are just one of the 8 limbs. In addition, the word Asana literally means seat, and refers to poses like Lotus you would take for the practice of meditation — very different from the “power yoga” workout we now associate with Ashtanga.

For those like myself, who thought yoga was only practiced on a mat, the outline below provides the basic foundation for my conversation with yoga master Sri Dharma Mittra. The Eight Limbs of Yoga are as follows: Read More


Jitter-Free Jolts



Pop into almost any 7-11, CVS, or convenience store, and you’ll see the refrigerated section filled with assorted flavors of Celsius. The top-selling energy drink on Amazon, Celsius has taken over the market from brands like Red Bull, Monster, and other sugar and caffeine enhanced energy drinks that once dominated the market. While this “natural” energy drink still contains 200mg of caffeine, almost twice the amount in a cup of coffee, the boost in Celsius comes from the alternative plant-based ingredients like Guarana and Green Tea, which offer other health and fitness benefits as well. Plus Celsius contains no added sugar.

In addition to Celsius, there are other naturally caffeinated, low or no sugar energy drinks on the market, promoting sustained energy and mental focus without the caffeine jitters. Accelerator Active Energy, endorsed by football and Swifty fan favorite Travis Kelce, also gets its caffeine boost from Guarana and Green tea, along with Yerba Mate, a thermogenic blend said to boost metabolism and burn more calories.


“Many energy boosting, focus-inducing beverages on the market today do contain the same amount of caffeine that you would find in a cup of coffee,  but the addition of ingredients that calm the nervous system reduce the ‘jitters’ associated with caffeine, and therefore can make the user feel more focused”

-Sarah Herrington, MS, CNC, CPT 


Other energy drinks have added adaptogenic and nootropic ingredients like Ashwagandha, Gaba, and L-Theanine, known for their cognitive and relaxation enhancing benefits.  Adaptogens support the body’s response to stress, including the stimulation from caffeine, while nootropics elevate cognitive function such as memory, focus, and mental clarity. Drinks like BioLift, Kin Spritz, and MTE have been formulated and are marketed to promote those benefits. Read More


The Five Minute Journal



Journaling is a simple and easy way to help improve mental health and overall wellness. The act of writing down issues we’re facing, problems we’re having, and goals we want to achieve, helps us process thoughts and understand our feelings. When we’re stressed, it feels like everything’s out of control, but journaling is a tool that can put things into perspective. The externalization lets us view those issues in an objective way and make the overwhelming seem manageable. Journaling can make you feel more positive and optimistic in as little as 5 minutes a day.

“Boosting your mental wellbeing can be as simple as taking a moment to reflect on your daily wins, big or small”, says Jasmine Eskenzi, Founder and CEO of The Zensory, an app designed to improve focus, creativity, relaxation, and positivity. “At the end of each day, intentionally jot down two or three positive moments — whether in a journal, on a sticky note, or even by saying them out loud. These victories might include achieving important goals or just savoring a pleasant lunch. The idea is to find happiness in the little things, acknowledging your worth, and appreciating the effort you put in.” Read More


The Hydration Situation



It’s very easy to become dehydrated, even if you are drinking the traditionally prescribed 8 glasses of water a day. A common belief is that you only need to replace electrolytes — minerals like magnesium, potassium, and sodium — after an intense and sweaty workout. To many people, the term hydration refers to water, but that is not enough when it comes to hydration on a cellular level. Every cell in our body requires fluid to function properly. 

In order to maintain a balance between water inside and outside the cells, the body relies on electrolytes which regulate osmotic pressure and control fluid levels in each cell. “Hydration is very different from cellular hydration”, says nutrition expert, Sarah Wragge. “We can drink 3-4 liters of water everyday, which is what I recommend, but you need to add minerals to hydrate at a cellular level.”

“We lose water all day through sweat, urination, and even breathing, and in that process we also lose essential electrolytes and minerals.” Adds Sarah, “Our habits are very dehydrating. Things like coffee, sugar, alcohol, and all the fun foods we love are very depleting. Not to mention our food is no longer mineral rich because of modern farming processes and pesticides. We need to hydrate to replenish not just water, but minerals too.” Sarah has just introduced her own mineral replenishing supplement, Restore.
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Stacey Griffith: Two Turns From Cancer



This is not a piece I ever thought I would write. This is not a story I ever expected to tell. It’s an October Breast Cancer Awareness Month feature about my friend, SoulCycle Master Instructor Stacey Griffith…

I have known Stacey Griffith for over 15 years, first as a rider in her class at SoulCycle. We became great friends too, kindred spirits in our love of sports, and travel adventure buddies. Stacey and I had big plans last summer, the launch of a Love & Sports branded content vertical on Style Of Sport, featuring editorial created for the apparel brand she co-founded with her partner Michelle Smith. But those plans got put on hold in an instant when Stacey received a diagnosis of breast cancer in June.

Stacey is one of the most popular SoulCycle teachers, one of the originals from SoulCycle’s inception with a devoted following. She is one of those special fitness instructors, who combine inspiration and motivation into a fun and addictive workout. Her class is an escape, for me and countless others, where for 45 minutes you forget about the world outside and leave your problems at the door. Stacey has coached and guided her students through many of those problems, real-life tough stuff. A number of women have gone through breast cancer with her in that room. The last thing anyone would imagine is that she would be on the receiving end of this disease. Nor would she. Read More


Good Sugar



There is a new juice bar in town. It’s really more a plant-based café with salads, soups, and baked goods also offered. It’s impossible to miss with its lemon-yellow signage, screaming graphics, and the name goodsugar. Sugar has gotten such a bad rap, that even fruit, which we used to think was good for us, has become off limits. How could there possibly be such a thing as good sugar?

goodsugar founder Marcus Antebi is on a mission, and it’s a loud mission, to change that perception. Walk in and you’ll see. But the mission is much bigger than just sugar. Antebi also happens to be the founder of Juice Press, and goodsugar is the next stage in the evolution of the juice bar and Antebi himself.

The mission statement reads “to create a vibrant and sustainable society that embodies our values… a world where citizens embrace diversity and express their individuality through vibrant colors… building a better world together.” Lofty goals for a juice bar, but seemingly easy for Antebi who pours this ethos into every glass of juice he sells, as you will experience in our conversation below. Read More


Spring Cleaning for Body & Soul




“Spring cleaning” is the annual ritual of a thorough house cleaning as the seasons change. The practice dates back to a time when homes were heated by burning wood and coal, and a spring cleaning was necessary by winter’s end to get rid of the soot and dirt left behind. The tradition has continued, and is a perfect seasonal ritual for body and mind as well.

When most people think of a cleanse, an extreme deprivation or fasting program comes to mind. But a cleanse can be just as effective, and much more doable, by simply eating the right foods. Silke Tsitiridis has created a 3-5 day bySILKE cleanse and wellness program based on the science of “mimic fasting”.

“I don’t believe in dieting and never have”, says Silke. “You should be able to eat, process, and enjoy every kind of food. But I do believe in seasonal resets where we give the body a break so it can function at its optimal capacity. Change of seasons are a great time to really stop and pause. It’s a reset for the body and mind.” Read More


I’ll Have a Myers Cocktail


It’s a drip not a drink.

Although it sounds like something you might order by the pool on vacation, a Myers Cocktail is an IV drip of vitamins and minerals. Intravenous vitamin drips, or IV Drips, have become one of the most popular wellness therapeutics, but the Myers Cocktail has been around since the 1960’s. It is the original IV drip and still the cocktail of choice because of its numerous health benefits.

The Myers Cocktail is named after the late Dr. John Myers, MD, аn іntеrnіѕt from Jоhnѕ Hорkіnѕ Hospital in Bаltіmоrе, who first introduced vitamin and mineral IV therapy for chronic medical conditions such as asthma, fibromyalgia, fatigue, and migraines. His theory was that because only a percentage оf thе vitamins аnd mіnеrаlѕ we ingest, either іn fооd or supplements, are аbѕоrbеd by the body, an intravenous іnfuѕіоn directly into the bloodstream would allow for faster and better absorption.

The classic Myers Cocktail IV drip is a megadose blend of Vitamin C, B-Complex, B12, and minerals that include magnesium and calcium. Some IV drip bars and wellness studios add other minerals like Zinc and Glutathione. Although these vіtаmіnѕ аnd minerals hаd previously been аvаіlаblе іn іntrаvеnоuѕ fоrm, he was the first to combine thеm together. This potent cocktail is known to increase energy levels, boost the immune system, reduce stress, improve cardiovascular function, speed up metabolism, and rehydrate the body. It’s great for post-workout recovery – and can help get rid of a hangover. Its revitalizing properties support the body’s natural alcohol detox process, aiding in the elimination of toxins and promoting overall well-being. Read More


Trick or Treat – Part 2



Last October we did a story on Halloween candy and seemingly healthier alternatives to Trick or Treat favorites like peanut butter cups, Snickers, m&m’s, and gummy bears. After consulting with our resident nutritionist Sarah Wragge, we discovered many of the lower calorie, less sugar, and even “healthy” brands had so many fillers, fake sweeteners, and inflammatory ingredients you were better off having the real thing. A Snickers as compared to a Quest Bar was the perfect example.

A few weeks later I happened to be standing in line at CVS in the aisle with all the crackers, chips, and cookies. The Pepperidge Farm Milanos caught my eye. I LOVE Milano cookies, but would never buy them assuming they were high calorie, fat and sugar filled. Out of curiosity I picked up the bag and looked at the nutrition label. To my surprise, 1 serving of 2 cookies had 120 calories, 7 grams of sugar, and 7 grams of fat. Not that bad I thought! Sure there were a few ingredients that weren’t super healthy, but as an occasional splurge it wasn’t such a big deal.

“It’s not the calories that are of concern”, says Sarah, “but how those substitute ingredients affect the body.

Then I looked at the Lays potato chips. The ingredients were potatoes and vegetable oil. 1 serving of 15 chips had 160 calories, 10 grams of fat, and 15 grams of carbohydrates – again, not the worst thing, especially when I compared them to the supposedly healthier Baked Lays on the shelf. Yes, those had fewer calories per serving and less fat, BUT they were higher in carbs with long list of ingredients, additives, and SUGAR. I knew there was no way these Baked Lays were better for me than the regular potato chips. Read More


31 Days of Fitness 2023!



Happy New Year and welcome to 31 Days of Fitness 2023! We are back with another action-packed January of workouts, wellness, recovery, and more!

Every day this month your intrepid editor will be checking out a different workout for body and mind, showcasing the amazing variety of ways to get and stay in shape for the new year. We’re visiting the hottest boutique fitness studios, sampling the most popular apps, and trying different wellness and recovery treatments to keep us going all month! It’s a mix that’s got something for everyone!

And we want you to join! Many studios are giving special incentives to our readers. Check out the list below.*There are more special giveaways to come so be sure to follow along here and on Instagram @styleofsport! Ya gotta be in it to win it!


Kicking off the new year and 31 Days with a one-two punch! AARMY offers two “practices”, as classes are called there, Bootcamp and Cycle. I did them both this morning! While that’s a normal Sunday morning for the regulars at AARMY, it was the first time for me. Bootcamp has actually become a regular part of my fitness routine since last 31 Days of Fitness. What I love about it is that it’s really strength focused – very important for us women of a certain age to keep our bones strong – and I’ve written about how strong the women in particular are in this class: In The Aarmy. While it’s still a fast-paced circuit style, Aarmy co-founder Akin Akman has created a community that motivates each other to push beyond their perceived limits, inspired by their “teammates” in class. No matter your level or the amount you lift, there are always high-fives to go around after every set. Read More


Meditation On The Run


Photo by Larry Gloth

Whether you already meditate or want to get started, meditating while running is a different way to meditate and a different way to run. While running itself can be a meditative experience, when you combine it with a guided meditation it changes the experience. “Mindful running is the ability to run with a clear intention, fully connected in body and mind, free from distraction, and with an equal balance of focus and relaxation”, says Andy Puddicombe, co-founder of the popular meditation app Headspace.

At the core of meditation is the focus on staying present in the moment. The goal is to leave thoughts of the past behind and not get caught up in the future that has yet to happen. The breath is the tool that keeps you present by focusing on the rhythm of inhales and exhales — hard to ignore when running. Running can help you meditate and meditation can help you run. The two together can help make you better at both.

If you’re like most recreational runners, myself included, you run with music. Music gives you rhythm, energy, and motivation, but it’s also a distraction. It blocks out many sensations your body is feeling. There’s nothing wrong with that, but when you turn the music off, running becomes a different experience. You take in the sights and sounds. You become aware of your inhales and exhales. You hear the sound of your breath. I discovered how loud that can be when I tried the Mindful Running with Lynne Goldberg on the Breethe meditation app, which on that particular run was more labored than I realized. Read More


Good Vibes


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Amp up your workouts and recovery with some good vibrations! Vibration therapy is a powerful tool for muscle tension, pain relief, and increased flexibility — before, after, and even as your workout. Here are a few modalities to target every body part from head to toe.

POWER PLATE MOVE $2995. The Power Plate is a both a vibrating recovery and workout platform, and the space-saving MOVE offers the perfect combination of size and function. It utilizes multi-directional vibration technology that causes reflexive muscular responses for better balance, mobility, and strength development. Vibrating with a frequency of 25 to 50 times per second (25Hz to 50Hz), it works muscles harder and in a shorter time frame than with traditional methods. The Power Plate also stimulates lymphatic flush, improves circulation, and promotes faster recovery of damaged muscles, tendons, and joints.

TRIGGERPOINT MB VIBE BALL $79.95. With its spherical design, multi-directional rolling, and 3 vibration speeds, the TriggerPoint MB Vibe penetrates deep into muscles to target tightness and relieve pain far more effectively than a non-vibrating ball. Ideal for use before and after workouts, it loosens and lengthens muscles to increase flexibility, and reduce pain and stiffness. Just 4 inches in diameter, carry it with you to have on hand anytime! Read More


Get Well Soon!


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Surround yourself in calm, cozy, comfort from head to toe, with simple pleasures to soothe body and soul. Aromatherapy, infrared heat, muscle massage, deep meditation, a relaxing soak… restorative wellness treatments that can be experienced in the comfort of home.


LEFT COMUMN: AESOP PTOLEMY AROMATIQUE CANDLE $110. Bring the soothing scents of nature indoors with this aromatic candle, reminiscent of an ancient forest of Cedar and Cypress, with notes of Vetiver. Beautiful ceramic vessel is engraved with meditative quote.

FEAT BLANKETBLEND JOGGERS $98. The absolute softest joggers are these BlanketBlend from Feat! Ridiculously cozy and warm, Feat also makes matching sweatshirts and shorts, all of which are available in a wide range of colors.

BRAINTAP $647. With the combination of light, sound, and guided audio, the BrainTap headset uses extraordinary technology to create an effortless state of restfulness, rejuvenation, and tranquility via brainwave training. There are five types of brainwaves, each uniquely affected by different types of meditation to alter our state of mind. The BrainTap headset delivers gentle pulses of light from its visor, with synchronized high frequency sounds — binaural beats and isochronic tones — to affect those brainwave frequencies and guide the mind from awake and reactionary, to intuitive and creative, to a heightened consciousness and focus. With a library of more than 400 audio programs, BrainTap allows users to relax, reboot, and revitalize while achieving peak brain performance — accessible without the headset as well on the BrainTap app. Read More


The Chin Twins Off The Mat



Yoga Instagram stars Cristen and Kimberly Chin, otherwise known as the @ChinTwins, bring their practice off the mat and into our homes this week with the premiere of The Chin Twins on The Design Network. The six-episode series takes an inside look at the daily lives of these twin sisters, fashion models, wives, mothers, and family chefs who share recipes, beauty tips, and ways to entertain that incorporate the balance and serenity they seek as yogis.

The Chin Twins launched their Instagram in 2014, somewhat unplanned. While visiting in Alabama, where Kimberly and family make their home, the twins were practicing yoga together at the end of a pier when Cristen’s husband, acclaimed fashion photographer Nigel Barker, wandered down with his camera and started shooting the duo in action. He posted the pictures on his Instagram and the response was so overwhelming the Chin Twins decided to launch their own handle.

Barker has continued as their lensman and @ChinTwins has amassed nearly 100,000 followers. The images are very stylized, artistic, and not surprisingly, have a heavy fashion focus. “We’ve shown our audience one side of us, which has been primarily our yoga practice and how we use yoga in a physical way”, says Kimberly (Kimmy). “This show gave us the opportunity to take our audience into our homes and into our lives to show how you can infuse yoga into all parts of life, not just on the mat”. Read More


31 Days of Fitness 2022!


Happy New Year and welcome to 31 Days of Fitness 2022! We are back with another action packed January of workouts, wellness, recovery, and more! Every day this month your intrepid editor will be checking out a different class, studio, app, modality, and trainer to showcase the amazing variety of workouts to get and stay in shape for the new year. Omicrom may be raging but we’re going to keep it safe with a mix of digital, studio, indoor, outdoor, and socially distant workouts. There’s no guessing where I might turn up!


What a way to kick off the new year and 31 Days of Fitness 2022 than at the 119th Coney Island Polar Bear Club New Year’s Day Plunge, which returned this year after the 2021 Covid hiatus. Besides the symbolic cleansing of the past year, greeting the new year with a frigid but invigorating plunge has numerous health benefits as well. A cold water plunge increases blood flow, improves circulation, boosts the immune system, reduces inflammation, releases endorphins, and elevates your mood. In fact, I feel great! While most of us revelers are out there just one day year, the Coney Island Polar Bear Club is the oldest winter bathing club in the United States, founded in 1903, and members take the plunge every Sunday November-April! Photo:Casey Steffens Read More


Listen Up! Our Top 10 Health & Fitness Podcasts



For the most pioneering and essential health, fitness, and wellness information, look no further than these ten podcasts. Each show presents a conversation with a curated group of the most respected and influential experts from the worlds of fitness, medicine, sports, nutrition, mindfulness, and more. They often feature leaders from other industries like entertainment, finance, and technology who bring another point of view and takeaways applicable to any mental and physical endeavor. Equally accomplished are the hosts — be they entrepreneurs, doctors, or athletes — who bring their own unique experience, qualifications, and insights to the show.

We’ve spent the last few months researching and listening to the list below. Hope you enjoy and learn as much as we have from these hosts and their guests, who often switch places, appearing as guests each on other’s podcasts!


Rich Roll is a vegan ultra-endurance athlete, wellness evangelist, and the author of the bestselling inspirational memoir Finding Ultra: Rejecting Middle Age, Becoming One of the World’s Fittest Men, and Discovering Myself. Each episode of The Rich Roll Podcast is like a masterclass in physical and spiritual growth, taught by some of the most forward-thinking and paradigm-busting minds in health, fitness, nutrition, and entertainment. Intimate, deep, and often intense, these are not interviews; they are conversations that educate, inspire, and empower you to be your best self. Read More


Go With The Flow



We all know what it feels like to be “in the zone”, that sense of effortless execution, be it on the tennis court, a ski run, or even working on a project. It’s total focus, clarity, and absorption in the task at hand, a challenge solved with ease, and seeing both the finish line and the steps to get there. We’ve all experienced this state that’s known as “flow”, and it’s more than a feeling. Neuroscientists have in fact discovered that flow is a physiological and recreatable state of consciousness in brain.

The term flow has recently been popularized by Steven Kotler, Executive Director of The Flow Research Collective. Kotler has spent decades researching and decoding the neurobiology of flow, and the connection between the brain and the body when humans are performing at their best. The Flow Research Collective is an organization whose mission is to understand the science behind human performance, and train individuals and organizations how to achieve more flow and optimize the benefits it provides.

The concept and term “flow” is not new. It has been around since the 1970’s, and was originally introduced by Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi, a Hungarian-American psychologist who was the first to identify and research the phenomenon. Csikszentmihalyi coined the term in his 1990 book, Flow: The Psychology of Optimal Experience and described flow as “a state in which people are so involved in an activity that nothing else seems to matter; the experience is so enjoyable that people will continue to do it even at great cost, for the sheer sake of doing it”. Read More


Free-Range, Grass-Fed: What Food Labels Really Mean



Cage-free, non-GMO, gluten-free… when it comes to grocery shopping these days there are so many labels stamped on a product it can be overwhelming. While all are there to tell you how healthy a product is, these labels can sometimes be misleading too. “Farm fresh”, “whole grain”, “all-natural” may sound good, but you need to look closer to know what’s really inside the packaging.

Even the health food store can be a minefield when shopping. Take eggs for example: there are a plethora of cage-free and free-range choices, but neither label means those chickens were not raised in a cage, and it can get quite complicated when you really get into each category of food.

The key, says our resident health and nutrition expert Sarah Wragge, is understanding the “sourcing” of all these foods. That’s how you know what to look for and what to avoid. On the basest level she has two non-negotiables:

Rule number 1 is a product must be Certified Organic. This goes for all food groups. Says Sarah, “When you buy something that is not organic, you are consuming pesticides, you’re consuming hormones, you’re consuming antibiotics.” The Certified 100% Organic stamp guarantees fruits, vegetables, and all the ingredients in a product have been grown or raised according to the USDA’s strict organic standards. For meat and poultry, that includes the provision that the animals must be raised exclusively on organic feed, have access to the outdoors, and cannot be given antimicrobial drugs or hormones. Read More


Get Off Your Acid!



Dr. Daryl Gioffre describes health as energy, and the energy he exudes is off the charts! A celebrated chiropractor and functional nutritionist, Dr. Gioffre is the founder of the Gioffre Chiropractic Wellness Center. He is a passionate motivational speaker, most recognized from his regular appearances on Live with Kelly And Ryan, and believes peak health and longevity come down to one simple concept… Get Off Your Acid! It is his mantra and the title of his first book, Get Off Your Acid, as well the goal behind his line of “Acid-Kicking” supplements. His follow up book, Get Off Your Sugar: Burn the Fat, Crush Your Cravings, and Go From Stress Eating to Strength Eating, recently debuted and picks up where Get Off Your Acid leaves off.

The pH balance of acidity and alkalinity in our bodies has become a popular health topic in recent months, one that we have written about in numerous posts, as well. Basically, our bodies function optimally at a blood level pH balance of 7.4 on a scale of 0 to 14, where 0 is the most acidic and 14 is the most alkaline. When the scale tips too far towards acidic it creates inflammation that causes fatigue, bloating, congestion, and a host of more serious symptoms. Dr. Gioffre, like many other health and wellness experts, believes the acidity in our bodies that comes from diet, stress, and lifestyle choices is at the heart of most chronic health issues.

Our bodies are designed to maintain a healthy pH balance but numerous factors can throw it off, most obviously what we eat, like rich, processed, and sugary foods. According to Dr. Gioffre however, stress is the primary cause of acidity and inflammation. And think of what we’ve been experiencing over the last year! “Our baseline stress level is so elevated right now”, says Dr. Gioffre, “that we are essentially marinating in our stress hormone cortisol, 24-7”. Read More


A Good Night’s Sleep



About 70 million Americans suffer from chronic sleep problems. Although not always serious, left untreated, lack of sleep can cause an array of problems for daytime function, and lead to other health issues. Physiologically, when it comes to our fitness goals, not getting enough sleep can interfere with performance and even sabotage our weight loss… regardless of whether we are exercising regularly and eating a healthy diet.

Sleep has become one of the buzziest wellness topics, amplified over the past year by the inordinate amount of stress and anxiety the pandemic has caused. More than ever, people are not sleeping well. There is even a name for it, “Coronasomnia”. Here, at the start of Sleep Awareness Week we turned to our resident health and wellness expert, Sarah Wragge, for some answers and solutions to the sleep conundrum facing so many of us.

STYLE OF SPORT: I feel like I could not be talking to you at a better time as you just had a baby a few weeks ago and are the mother of a 4-year old as well!

SARAH WRAGGE: (Laughing)… You could definitely say I’m sleep deprived!

SOS: I know you’re usually on top of your sleep game, so let’s talk about this phenomenon of sleep deprivation and how it’s affecting so many of us. Read More


Power Brews



With the popularity of intermittent fasting, a nutritional tool that can help your body burn fat, that first cup of coffee is often the break-fast meal. For those who prefer training in the morning, while in a fasting state, fueling their workouts can be a challenge. Many athletes and fitness enthusiasts have conditioned their bodies to use fat for energy — as opposed to carbs which were once the norm — and have turned their morning brew into nutritional, fat-burning fuel.

Bulletproof coffee was one of the first fat-packed recipes to gain popularity: essentially black coffee with a scoop of grass-fed butter or ghee, and MCT or coconut oil. The added fat slows down caffeine absorption for more sustained energy. The theory is by adding fat to a cup of black coffee, you can transform it into an energy-boosting, brain-fueling, fat-burning meal. Grass-fed butter or ghee adds high-quality fats and essential nutrients like omega-3 fatty acids; fat-soluble vitamins A, D, E, and K; and antioxidants. MCT Oil, which is derived from coconut oil, is said to help to increase energy levels, improve cognitive performance, regulate blood sugar, and boost fat burning. Bulletproof manufactures its own MCT oil called Brain Octane FuelRead More


The Art of the Cleanse


Michele Gasti / Gallery Stock 

Every January, after a festive month of non-stop eating and drinking, many people decide to go on a “cleanse”. It’s usually a quick fix deprivation program designed to shed those holiday pounds fast, jump start your New Year’s goals, and get you mentally back on track. No sugar, no alcohol, no carbs, no fat, no more fun. It’s short term, so people think it’s doable, and a cleanse does usually result in some initial weight loss. The problem, however, is what happens after the cleanse… or during, should you slip up.

We checked in with our resident nutrition and wellness expert, Sarah Wragge, about whether to cleanse or not to cleanse after a period of indulgence. “Most people decide to do a cleanse because they think they must do something extreme to undo what they’ve been doing,” she says. “It’s an all or nothing extremist mentality, with no room for failure, and so it’s not sustainable.”

So here you are feeling congested, bloated, and confused. The good news, says Sarah, is there are a number of things you can be doing right now to get back to your fighting form and sustain it for the long term. Cleansing doesn’t have to be extreme, and it can actually be a regular part of your daily routine. Here are some healthy ways to kick off 2021, and keep it going all year!
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CBD 101: The Athlete’s Guide



Walk into any health food or drugstore these days and you’ll see shelves filled with CBD products. In particular, there are a multitude of CBD creams and balms targeting muscle pain and inflammation, the common symptoms of overuse or injury any athlete encounters. CBD stands for cannabidiol and is the relaxing but non-psychotropic component of the cannabis sativa (marijuana) plant. Its counterpart is THC, the component that gets you high. CBD and THC are the most well known components, but there are many more cannabinoids in the cannabis plant, all of which have different therapeutic benefits.

There are three different categories of CBD products: CBD isolate, which contains no other cannabinoids or THC; broad-spectrum CBD, which contains most cannabinoids; and full-spectrum CBD, which in addition to the full range of cannabinoids also contains THC, up to the maximum 0.3 percent allowed by law. With such a miniscule amount, there are generally none of the mind-altering effects associated with THC.

While CBD isolates and broad-spectrum are ideal for consumers who want to be sure there is no THC in their product, without the other cannabinoids, the overall therapeutic benefits of CBD are reduced. Without the THC, what is known as the “entourage effect” is reduced as well. Even with just the trace amount allowed, CBD is more effective with THC. With so many options to choose from, including all the different dosages available, how do you know which one to buy? We asked Dr. Richard Firshein of the Firshein Medical Center for some answers. Read More


Francisco Costa Is Costa Brazil



When Francisco Costa left Calvin Klein in 2016, after 13 years as the Creative Director, it would not be another fashion house he would seek. This native of Brazil returned to his homeland and found himself deep within the rainforest of the Amazon — not on the luxury cruise he had originally planned with friends — but with an indigenous tribe called the Ywanawas. It was here by chance that his newest venture was born, Costa Brazil.

Costa Brazil is an all-natural skin care line — a blend of powerful ingredients, sourced from the Brazilian rainforest — that Costa discovered on that first trip and multiple visits since. At the core of the line are body oils that blend mineral-rich Kaya, antioxidant-packed Cacay, and the aromatic healing properties of Breu. While Costa Brazil bears Francisco’s name, it is Brazil that is at the heart of the brand, embodying the connection between beauty and nature that distinguishes the place from which he comes.

The products are an olfactory delight, the essence of which is a resin called Breu, revered for its sacred aromatherapy benefits. It was the first ingredient Costa discovered on his maiden trip to the Amazon, and became the inspiration for the line. The aroma is hard to describe. It is exotic, like a place you’ve never been but want to go… a jungle, forest, or other some natural wonderland where the scent is so fragrant it’s almost intoxicating, and makes you want to return again and again. Read More


Heal Thyself



For many fitness lovers and weekend warriors, overuse injuries often come with the territory. Luckily there are chiropractors, acupuncturists, and massage therapists to get us back in action as fast as possible. When the coronavirus pandemic hit however, those practitioners’ offices closed, and with that went the treatments and therapies on which we’ve come to rely.

Though many sport and physical therapists’ offices are now open, with Covid fears and the pandemic lingering, some people are still reluctant to go, despite the safety precautions doctors and health practitioners have taken. While we can’t replace the hands-on techniques of a great physical therapist, there are a number of things we can do ourselves to keep those nagging injuries from becoming more serious.

One of my primary sport therapists is Dr. Peter Duggan of Fuel Spine & Sport in Manhattan, where in addition to skeletal adjustments, they use active release therapy, along with a variety of other muscular therapies and modalities to treat both recreational and professional athletes. He and I spoke about what recovery therapies we can do on our own when getting into the doctor’s office is not an option or as convenient as it once was. Read More


Finding Calm


Photographs by Coliena Rentmeester

Back in October we did a feature with our contributing nutrition editor Sarah Wragge on energy and how to get more of it. With the crazy busy lives we were living then — going from home life, to the gym, to work, and out at night — energy seemed a priority. While we are certainly still living crazy lives, ones that have been upended by the Coronavirus pandemic, our priorities have shifted. What we really need now are strategies to stay calm and relax. Not easy to do!

We are all super stressed out by the direct and indirect effects of this virus in ways we might not even be consciously aware. All we hear is bad news 24-7 and there seems to be no end in sight. Our baseline emotional state is one of high anxiety, which is very taxing on the immune system as well. With all this in mind we conferred with Sarah again on some tactics to chill out and relax in these unprecedented times…


STYLE OF SPORT: Exercise is a great emotional outlet and while most of us are trying to stay fit at home while gyms are closed, it’s not like we’re getting the same benefits from our workouts. I’m doing the best I can, but my workouts just aren’t as intense on my own.

SARAH WRAGGE: With screaming kids in the background, technology glitches with Zoom workouts, and other distractions at home, you’re not getting that exercise high you normally would with the energy and support of a classroom and teacher pushing you. Our usual stress outlets have been taken away, so our exercise needs to be more harmonious and calming. Maybe your workout style shifts. It might be different now than it was before. I find I’m doing more yoga because it’s relaxing, Yin and Restorative yoga in particular, as opposed to a HIIT workout which revs me up. Figure out what type of movement is going to benefit you not just physically but emotionally — after the workout as well. Read More


3 Simple Immune Boosting Tips!


Arthur Belebeau/Trunk Archive

One of people’s primary questions during this Coronavirus pandemic is, “What can I do to boost my immune system?” Wondering that ourselves, we turned to our resident health and nutrition expert, Sarah Wragge, for some answers. It turns out there are a number of simple things we can be doing right now in the comfort of home — and the first place to start is with our gut.

You hear the term “gut health” all the time. Over 75% of our immune system lives in our gastrointestinal tract. Lined with about 100 trillion live microorganisms – this complex ecosystem of both beneficial and harmful bacteria promotes healthy digestion, protects the body from infection, and regulates the immune system.

“If our gut microbiome is balanced and functioning well, then our immune system is ready for action”, says Sarah. “Make your gut the priority right now.” Here are 3 simple ways: Read More


Fuel Up: Our 8 Fave Nutrition Bars!


One of the topics about which I get asked all the time are bars — not where to have a drink with friends — but snack, protein, and nutrition bars. Walk into any health food, grocery, or even drugstore, and you see aisles filled with them. But how do you know which ones are actually good for you, which are filled with additives, or which are candy bars in healthy packaging?

I am a snacker. I prefer to eat smaller meals throughout the day as opposed to bigger breakfasts and lunches. A nutrition bar is usually one of those smaller meals, and I’ve found different options I like depending on the time of day, my activity level, and nutritional goals. For a meal replacement, I like a Quest bar. It’s got 20 grams of whey protein, 10 grams of fat, and 13 grams of fiber, so it’s very filling and low in net carbs. If I do want more carbs than protein, I go for a GoMacro bar, which is plant-based too. You don’t have to look very far for either of these options, which makes them very convenient on-the-go.

Nutrition bars are also a topic which our resident expert, holistic nutritionist and wellness coach Sarah Wragge, gets asked about too. Prefacing her list of favorites with the statement, “Snacking is not my preferred choice of nutrition – it’s about eating meals that are balanced in protein, fat, and fiber, so you’re not hungry every couple hours” — did acquiesce that a nutrition bar can be a good option in a pinch. She looks for one that’s organic, plant-based, and additive-free.

Below is a combined list of our favorite nutrition bars!  Read More


The Plant-Based Diet Takeover



I’ve got friends and family who have been vegan for years. The easiest way to understand vegan, one of them told me, is you don’t eat anything with a face. So in addition to the obvious meat, fish, and chicken — that means no dairy, eggs, and any other products that contain them. Veggie burgers, Tofurky, and soy cheese have been the basic go-to substitutions, available in a limited selection, and tailored primarily to a vegan taste palate. But all that has changed…

Go into any coffee shop or supermarket nowadays and you find menus and aisles of plant-based milks like almond, coconut, and oat — and freezer sections filled with delicious plant-based meat alternatives like Beyond Meat and Impossible Burger. Designed to taste and smell exactly like a hamburger, and engineered with the multi-faceted texture of one — these new savory “veggie” burgers are featured prominently on the menu at major fast food chains like Burger King and McDonalds – along with Beyond Sausage sandwiches at Dunkin’ Donuts and Beyond Fried Chicken at KFC. Plant-based eating has gone mainstream — and Hollywood. It was a veggies only dinner last Sunday at the Golden Globes Awards.

A recent article in the New Yorker quoted some powerful statistics on the environmental impact of eating meat. In a nutshell, agriculture consumes more freshwater than any other human activity, and nearly one-third of that water is devoted to raising livestock. One-third of the world’s arable land is used to grow feed for livestock, and cattle are responsible for 14.5 percent of global greenhouse gas emissions from the methane they produce in digestion. That’s as much each year as from all cars, trucks, airplanes, and ships combined! (NYT)
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5 Simple Fixes!


My edited food journal above may look overwhelming, but the changes come down to a few basic concepts. Back in July we launched a contest offering 2 lucky readers the chance to win a diet makeover by Sarah Wragge, our contributing nutrition editor, with just 5 Simple Fixes. Yes, there are the obvious splurges like pizza, ice cream, and cookies, but lurking in many of our diets are extra hidden calories of which we are completely unaware. I found that out firsthand when I asked Sarah to take a look at my diet.

Thinking I ate pretty clean and expecting a pat on the back, instead I got, “OMG… you eat so much sugar!” Unbeknownst to me, what I thought was my healthy fruit and rice cake snacking was like sugar dosing and carbo loading all day. With some simple substitutions like adding more healthy fats such as avocado and nuts; swapping dairy for plant based alternatives like almond milk and coconut yogurt; and replacing my fruit dessert with dark chocolate (yes!), those abs I work so hard for started to pop — and with no feeling of deprivation because I was eating satiating and nutritious foods.

Our 5 Simple Fixes contest winners, Suzanne Donaldson and Mike Loftus, learned some of the same lessons and few more of their own — along with some easy fixes to attain their fitness and nutrition goals. Our contest should probably have been called “1 Simple Fix” because the leading culprit for all 3 of us was hidden sugar.

We all want to look good and feel good. We want those workouts to show on our bodies. For those of you who entered the contest but didn’t win, we wanted to share a sample 3 days of our diets, with the changes Sarah made. Many of you might have similar habits, and we hope seeing our mistakes and the easy fixes can help you achieve your fitness and nutrition goals too.  Read More


Get More Energy Now!



Everybody wants more energy — and we want it all day! In the insanely busy lives most of us live, balancing the demands of work and home, we go at full speed from the moment we wake up until we go to sleep. We need that energy sustained for our workouts, jobs, kids, and spouse — not just for the body, but also the mind. Whether you’re a busy exec or stay-at-home mom, our physical and psychological demands don’t discriminate.

64% of us start the day with a cup coffee, and the average American drinks about 3-4 cups per day. One cup of coffee is the morning is fine, but drinking too much coffee can have adverse effects, and leave us feeling more exhausted. When we feel tired, our brains do too. Not only is cognitive function impaired, but our emotional stability as well. We’ve all been known to “lose it” when we’re wiped out. The goal is to avoid the highs and the lows.

Since fatigue is not an option, we asked our resident nutrition and wellness guru, Sarah Wragge, for some tips and tricks to have more energy now. The good news is you don’t have to give up that morning brew!  Read More


Change Your Mind, Change Your Body



Elite athletes eat to fuel their bodies for optimal performance and inherently understand the concept that food is fuel. They generally don’t eat something just because it tastes good. They train their bodies like machines, and are not putting bad gas in the tank. Many of the rest of us, however, have gotten away from this basic concept. TV commercials tantalize with images of irresistible fat, sugar, and calorie-laden foods. We order what is most delicious on the menu. We fuel our mouths, but not our bodies.

Wouldn’t it be amazing if we all had the performance driven motivation of these athletes? What if it were effortless? For those trying to lose weight, it’s generally thought to be a matter of willpower to resist those foods that have put on the pounds. But what if those foods had no appeal, because not eating them felt so much better that eating them?

I recently shifted to a Paleo diet, which includes meat, fish, vegetables, fruit, and nuts — but no dairy and no grains. That means no bread, which I would have considered impossible a few months ago. But when replaced with delicious and satiating healthy fats like nuts, avocado, and coconut, the temptation has kind of disappeared — especially when my body has leaned out using its fat stores instead of sugar for fuel. Read More


The Buzz: Could Too Much Exercise Make You Fat?


Collage Images Martin Rusch/Trunk Archive

Keto diet, 10 Day Challenge, Celery Juice… it seems like everyday a new nutrition trend takes the wellness scene by storm. Some of it’s legit and some it’s BS, but we wanted to get the scoop on all to share with our readers. Meet Sarah Wragge, our nutrition wiz, who every month is going to give us the real deal on a variety of different health trends.

Sarah Wragge is a holistic nutritionist and wellness coach who has lived on both sides of the health spectrum. After a 15-year career in advertising, Sarah found herself fed up with steak and martini dinners, and feeling worn out. Having always been drawn towards wellness and nutrition, she ditched the corporate life and decided to make her passion her career — with a particular focus on designing health and nutrition regimens for those same busy execs. What we love is her practical approach to integrating wellness into real life.

One of the buzziest nutrition topics you hear about right now is “over-exercise”. The fitness obsessed — or you might say addicted — daily doubling on SoulCycle classes, going from a cardio to a strength class, working out every day with no rest days off (guilty, as charged). And yet, many of these people are not losing weight. In fact they find the opposite. “I don’t understand… I’m eating so well”, they say, “Why am I getting fat?” Read More


Strtchd & Lymbr



Stretching went Hollywood on Showtime’s Billions last Sunday when a mysterious blond showed up at finance tycoon Bobby Axelrod’s penthouse. We assumed she was there to provide some sort of service, but surprised to find out what it was. When U.S. Attorney Chuck Rhoades walks in on them and comments, “Here you are dry as a bone after a workout,”Ace replies, “No workout. Kelly just stretches me. She’s the best in the city.” Later in the episode, she would be seen stretching Rhoades.

While having a personal stretcher may be the new luxury for billionaires where once a masseuse’s hands would be, stretching — or getting stretched — has become one of the newest wellness trends to go mainstream with boutique stretching studios popping up across the country. In New York City, you’ve got Stretchd, Racked, and Lymbr — the latter with multiple bi-coastal locations. Nationwide there is Stretch Zone and StretchLab. Read More


Cap Beauty: The Wellness Mecca


Image Map

Nestled on a typically quaint side street in Greenwich Village is CAP BEAUTY, a boutique and mecca for New York City’s wellness obsessed woman. With their slogan, “Beauty is Wellness. Wellness is Beauty”, CAP carries over 100 brands of 100% natural products. Ranging from ingestibles like medicinal mushrooms, matcha, and coconut butter; to serums, lotions and oils, CAP covers the beauty and wellness spectrum inside and out. We had planned to include CAP in our 31 Days of Wellness feature, but upon visiting the shop discovered there was so much there, it was a story in itself.


Though all are available online at, the shop is a destination created to embody the understated, yet fairly fabulous lifestyle these enticing products represent. You understand each in the context of the whole. None of it is inexpensive, but all is tempting in this space where wellness reigns and style abounds. The floors are lined with rose quartz, tonics flow, and beauty secrets are buzzing. All can be yours in a jar, tube, or mist. Add to that a spa downstairs with wellness infused facials and other body treatments.
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James Truman: From Edits to Eats


Just about two years ago, James Truman, the former Editorial Director of Conde Nast, opened Nix, a style and cuisine focused vegetarian restaurant in Manhattan’s Greenwich Village. This was not, however, his first foray into the restaurant business. He had partnered previously with hotelier André Balazs on Narcissa in the East Village and Chiltern Firehouse in London. But, really, his first restaurant was the famous Conde Nast cafeteria at the company’s former Times Square headquarters. It was his project to oversee. He hired Frank Gehry to design the space, and it became the hot spot for lunch. The only way to get in was if you worked there or knew someone in the building.

When I’m asked to describe what is STYLE of SPORT, my one liner is it’s where sport intersects with fashion, design, art, news and culture. James Truman, who once held one of the most influential positions in fashion and publishing, opening vegetarian restaurant – with a Michelin star no less – is very much at that SOS intersection. Add to that the coincidence that he and I worked together at Conde Nast on a women’s sports magazine, Conde Nast Sports for Women, that was his idea to launch in the mid-90’s.

James and I met for lunch last week at Nix, where we chatted about his evolution from the magazine to the restaurant business, and the passion he has for sport, food, and the healthy lifestyle.  Read More


31 Days of Wellness!


Happy New Year everyone and welcome to the “31 Days of Wellness”! In years past, January 1st has commenced my 31 Days of Fitness odyssey, with SOS (aka me) sampling all the hottest workouts every day for 31 days straight. With a few nagging injuries from 2017, I decided to shift the focus this year from the outside to the inside with 31 days of the most buzzed about wellness trends, classes, and studios. Yoga, meditation, sleep, breathwork, cleanses, sensory experiences, restorative therapies, and more… it’s about looking good AND feeling good in 2018, which can only happen with that mind and body connection.





What’s also unique this January is that the first day of the week, year, and month are all on January 1. The planets have aligned for a fresh start! So here we go…

Day 1: HOT VINYASA YOGA. With most of the country in an arctic freeze, what a perfect way to kick off our 31 Days of Wellness than with a Hot Vinyasa class — especially as I started the new year with the 9 degree NYRR Midnight Run at 12:01am this morning! Read More


A Yogi’s Journey



I belong to Pure Yoga in NYC, a popular members-only yoga studio on the Upper East Side of Manhattan. There is one on the Upper West Side as well. As I have discussed before on STYLE of SPORT, I really don’t like yoga, but force myself to go as a counterpart to all the running and spinning I do. Like any fitness class you take, it’s about finding an instructor you like, and one of the first yoga teachers I found at Pure, whose class enjoyed, was Amanda Murdock. For me, that’s saying a lot.

I first took Amanda’s class back in 2013 during my annual 31 Days of Fitness feature. I remember thinking then that she was very skinny. With a ballerina’s physique and muscle definition, my assumption was she was or had been a dancer. I didn’t presume the other explanation. It was only a couple of years ago, when I noticed her body started to change and become much healthier looking, that I wondered if she might have had an eating disorder. The Pure community is fairly tight knit, and when I asked another instructor, a friend of both of ours, she told me that had been the case.

Amanda has gone from about 90lbs. to 120lbs. since I have been a member of Pure. As a fitness instructor Amanda’s transformation has been very public. I started thinking about what it must be like to have a classroom of eyes staring at you every day — going through such a challenging and emotional journey while on display. I wanted to know her story and tell her story. Although Amanda and I were friendly, our only contact was in class, and I was very hesitant to ask her about something so personal. Read More


XPT PUNTA MITA: Wished You Were Here!




What do you get when you combine 3 days of non-stop training with some of the world’s most renowned athletes on the gorgeous Pacific coast of Mexico? The XPT Experience: Punta Mita! Everyone was invited and we promised a life changing experience. For those of you who showed, we delivered!

We featured The XPT Experience back in October. Hosted and led by former pro-Volleyball superstar Gabrielle Reece, legendary big wave surfer Laird Hamilton, and human performance specialist Brian Mackenzie, XPT is 3-day turbo-charged immersion into the cutting edge training, nutritional guidance, and recovery techniques of these super athletes. XPT clinics are held throughout the year in different locations from Malibu to Hawaii to Montauk, and for the first time this past April, in Punta Mita, Mexico. This idyllic spot is nestled next door to Sayulita, one of our favorite surf and SUP destinations.
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Double Vision. One Focus.



“On 4/3/15 I woke up like the picture on the left. I’d had a stroke in my sleep which caused a palsy in the 3rd nerve of my brain, causing my right eye to swing out. I saw two of everything and could only see straight if I closed one eye. It’s taken over a year and a half, 3 surgeries, an ocean of tears, and the desperate need to regain my life to get ME back. I took the pic on the right just after taking my new SoulCycle instructor photos — hence the incredible and very fake lashes. I never imagined having the courage to share the ‘before’ pic, but think it’s important to recognize and celebrate the journey, no matter how painful. Unlike so many stories, this one has a happy ending, one that will hopefully inspire determination and hope!”

-Emma Zaks, Facebook post, November 18, 2016

This is the story of Emma Zaks, a bubbly, energetic, and very popular SoulCycle instructor. Those who ride with Emma watched this healthy and fit 33-year old woman go through an unimaginable two-year journey — becoming increasingly ill with debilitating symptoms, both gastro-intestinal and neurological, that ultimately resulted in a stroke.

On and off the SoulCycle schedule at first, Emma began subbing out her classes for other instructors. Then followed a long absence. She would later return to teach — a patch on one eye and face swollen from the steroids doctors had prescribed for devastating symptoms no one really could explain. An autoimmune disease of some sort was the rumor. As is her nature, Emma remained her upbeat self through it all, or so it appeared, never letting her riders see the pain and fear going on inside.

Luckily, this story has a happy ending. After her illness was finally diagnosed and treated, Emma started posting little bits of her journey on Facebook. So moved and overwhelmed by her strength and bravery, we asked her to tell us what happened from beginning to end. This is her story in her own words…. and her Facebook posts.
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Another Cup of Coffee? Research Says Yes!



For years coffee drinkers have been told that their love of the buzz was bad for their health. Studies in the 1970s and 80s showed that the ingredients in coffee were tied to increased risk of cancer and heart disease. It is time now to rejoice! In recent years, researchers around the globe have learned that coffee may not be so bad for you after all, and in fact there are quite a few health benefits in that cup o’ joe. Coffee is…

We all know that coffee makes you feel more alert and energetic, but researchers report that those who consume 4 cups a day were 20% less likely to be clinically depressed than those having just one cup. Caffeine stimulates the brain’s release of dopamine for mood and anxiety regulation.

Several studies have found that coffee fanatics drinking 3-5 cups a day have the lowest risk for cardiovascular disease. Please take note this means plain black coffee. Hold the milk and sugar!

Caffeine has been linked with weight loss and prevention of weight gain because it can suppress appetite and stimulate calorie burning.

If you’re feeling backed up, coffee may be able to help. Many ingredients, namely chlorogenic acid, stimulate the distal colon which helps to quickly rid waste from the body.

In early 2015, three studies were published that found coffee to reduce risk of skin, endometrial and liver cancer. The National Cancer Institute published a study showing that people who drank four cups of caffeinated coffee a day had a 20 percent lower risk of melanoma than non-coffee drinkers. An AACR journal found that women who drink four cups a day have a reduced risk of endometrial cancer. U.K. researchers released an analysis of 34 studies conducted around the world and concluded that coffee consumption—even just one cup a day—reduces the risk of liver cancer.
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